Launch of an exciting new campaign #poweredbyyeast!

Yeast, what does it mean to consumers?

Whether it is “baker’s yeast” or “brewer’s” yeast, yeasts are utilized to make many vital products. Yeast has been used for thousands of years to make everyday consumer products such as bread, beer, and wine thanks to its fermentation properties. Nevertheless, many users are still not quite aware of how important it is and the exact meaning of yeast is a tough question for many consumers. 

That is why Lesaffre and Biospringer are very thrilled to announce the launch of a new campaign #poweredbyyeast!

This new corporate campaign will be launched across numerous business units of Lesaffre with the primary objective of bringing a better understanding of yeast and all of its benefits across various industries and health uses.  

The new powered by yeast campaign

Why yeast needs our help! 

This campaign was created by an interdisciplinary working group, encompassing the entirety of the group’s activities, and was set up to develop a strategy to have a positive influence on yeast’s image. Most of the general public is not aware of yeast’s unlimited potential. In fact, according to a study conducted by Lesaffre, only 17% of those questioned were able to give a precise definition of yeast. 

The literature on this surprising microorganism deserves to be developed to help consumers realize the true benefits it provides daily. This campaign will serve this purpose and increase communication efforts within Lesaffre to raise awareness on this subject. 

As a key player in fermentation, Lesaffre and its business units, like Biospringer, want to be the ambassadors for yeast to promote it on a worldwide scale, showing its value and benefits, and defending it in the context of food bashing and common misconceptions. 

One of the objectives of this campaign is to build a more vibrant language around the word “yeast” which will be implemented through various communications, in a strong and coherent manner, thereby creating a positive image of yeast within different markets.  

Biospringer, as a business unit of Lesaffre, will play an integral role in this campaign and will be sharing its expertise and know-how on yeast extracts and food taste to help educate consumers about how valuable yeast is and all of the wonderful uses it has!


To achieve these goals, numerous inspiring products will be launched in conjunction with the #poweredbyyeast campaign. 

The most important of these is the new website! This website will be the beating heart of this campaign and the communications, which follow. On this site, Lesaffre uses the hashtag “#PoweredByYeast” to illustrate the passion that drives the group’s teams to explore the superpowers and benefits that yeast brings to the production of many fermented products, particularly in terms of texture, taste, and nutritional composition. has been modernized to allow a better flow in the navigation and offers articles ranging from the explanation of the difference between natural baker’s yeast and baking powder to easy cooking recipes. Furthermore, you will be able to find inspiring and educational articles on all things that are yeast. The website will have constant updates in many different formats including articles, videos, quizzes, and much more! Accessible to a wide audience and translated into four languages, this content will help communicate Lesaffre’s messages about yeast as a highly nutrient-rich food and an indispensable component for taste and health.  

In addition to the website, the website will put yeast in perspective. The Lesaffre website will serve as a multiplier channel of our communications, and customers and consumers will be able to find new content in the “Trendsmag” section. Customers and consumers will find the latest yeast news and will be guided through the yeast ecosystem. will provide valuable inputs to this campaign and provide customers with our part of the yeast story, specifically highlighting yeast extracts and food taste! With that said, as Biospringer is a partner in this campaign all of Biospringer’s valuable expertise and knowledge will be shared at to further nurture the collective platform.  

Each yeast messaging channel has its own identity but they all share the same objective of raising the visibility of yeast and boosting its impact! Through the #poweredbyyeast campaign we will raise the image of yeast around the world! 

Get involved in the #poweredbyyeast campaign now! 

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